Pets of Saints #2: Charlie

Mr. Luers and his dog Charlie (Dave Luers)

Mr. Luers and his dog Charlie (Dave Luers)

The only pet in the Math Department, Charlie is a three-and-a-half-year-old hypoallergenic toy poodle. He enjoys coming to school with Mr. Luers so much that he does not like the summer holiday when no boys are around. In school, his interests include wandering in classrooms with his leash on, and sitting on boys’ laps.

One thing about Charlie is that he only gets along with people and pets he likes. “If Charlie doesn’t like a boy, he ignores him,” said Mr. Luers. When asked about Charlie’s rivalry with Ms. Gin’s dog Lola, Mr. Luers assumed that “there’s something on him that Lola doesn’t like. They don’t have a friendly relationship.” Finally, Mr. Luers emphasised that the conflict is only between pets, not between owners.

Stay tuned for more Pets of Saints stories. Follow @sgscreed and #petsofsaints on Instagram.