The Opus Is Back!
Previous editions of The Opus
Returning for its eighth edition, The Opus has officially begun its operations once again in mid-November of the 2015-2016 school year. The Opus, which has a prominent reputation in the St. George’s community, is an annual student-designed publication that celebrates the artistic and literary merits of students from the Senior School. From poetry to short stories, ceramics to photography, The Opus showcases all forms of creative expression and by doing so, promotes diversity and individuality, both of which are values that the school embodies. The Opus also epitomizes the school’s emphasis on student-centered learning; everything from the design of the book to the selections process is done by committed and passionate students from all grades.
Each year, these students make up a team that devotes its time to fulfilling its various responsibilities. This team consists of students who select literary and artistic submissions to feature and an Editor in Chief who oversees everything The Opus does. This year, this important position has been taken on by Grade 12 students Kevin Yu and Kenneth Huang, who will work together to ensure The Opus’ success. Kevin shared his thoughts on the publication’s mission with The Creed, “I think a common goal behind every edition of The Opus is to establish the significance of artistic expression in our everyday lives. At the end of the day, it’s a publication intended to cultivate an appreciation for originality in the arts and in literature. That’s why student submissions are so important; they’re what ultimately carry our message through.”
The Opus is taking submissions until December 17th, and all submissions can be sent to [email protected].
For more information on The Opus and past editions of the publication, visit

Kenneth Ng is currently a Grade 12 student at St.George's School. Since joining Saints in Grade 8, he has been involved in many areas of the school such...