Bon Voyage – Titanic Rehearsals Begin

Passengers are flooding aboard as Saints Players commences rehearsals for the fall musical Titanic. The show is destined to premiere on November 3rd, and students from Saints, Crofton House, York House, and Little Flower Academy are fastening their seat belts for immediate departure. The show depicts the happenings of the Titanic, the boat that once took the world by storm as the largest, most magnificent moving object in the world.

While the cast is primarily ensemble-based, there are certainly some eye-catching names in the show’s roster. Rigg Scholars of acting Jimmy Kwan and Brian Riback both take prominent roles, portraying the Titanic’s designer and crew members respectively. Grade 11 actors Nathan Wong, Darian Boosheri and Jared Bakonyi all have significant roles as well.

Backstage management is hastily making strides towards show preparations, with Rigg Scholar Jorge Alamillo at the helm. When asked what his favorite part of being involved with the show is, Jorge responded that “the challenge of doing a musical rather than just a play” is what “really gets me going.”

The entirety of the stage management team, alongside acting/music directors Mr. Fredeman and Dr. Markel, will prove vital to the show’s success this coming November.

All in all, the talented cast and crew are gearing up to set sail for a spectacular production. Hopefully the Titanic can avoid incoming iceberg warnings during the coming weeks, and be ready for take off when November 3rd rolls around.

More information regarding ticket sales and show times will be available in the future.