Are You Dead: Saints Players Do It Again!

After several months of rehearsing, the cast and crew of “Is He Dead?” are finally ready to show you what they’re working on. On March 6-7 starting at 7pm each night, these young actors along with the show production crew will be giving you you a night of laughs and drama! We asked the Stage Manager, Jorge Alamillo, what he had to say about the play “This is my first year as a stage manager for a St. George’s play, and I’m happy to say the progress the actors and crew have made is tremendous. I am incredibly excited to show you what we’ve been working on!”


“Is He Dead?” is a play written by Mark Twain in 1898, first published in print in 2003 and produced on Broadway in 2007. The play focuses on a fictional version of the great French painter Jean-Francois Millet as an impoverished artist in Barbizon, France who, with the help of his colleagues, stages his death to increase the value of his paintings, and afterwards dresses as a woman to keep his secret safe. Combining elements of burlesque, farce and social satire, the comedy relies on such devices as cross-dressing, mistaken identities and romantic deception to tell its story, which raises questions about fame, greed and the value of art.

Tickets and Cast

Tickets are online at:, they will be preforming on March 5, 6 and 7 at 7pm, and tickets are $15. They are going to be presenting at the Senior School Auditorium, located at 4175 West 29th Ave.

The cast from St. George’s School: Jared Balconyi (Jean Francois Millet) Luc Maurer (Dutchy) Michael Lau (Chicago) Sasha Twardowski (Leroux) Daniel Wise (Bastien Andre) Sandy Fogarassy (O’Shaugnessy) Will Andrews (Basil Thorpe) Nathan Wong (Claude Riviere) Noah Proust (Charlie) Hamish Marissen-Clark (King of France) Frank Sandoval (Sultan of Turkey). And from Crofton House School: Camille Baycroft (Marie) Taylor Palmer (Cecile) Maggie Macinnis (Madame Bathilde) Chloe Ainsworth (Madame Caron)