Inherit the Wind: A St. George’s School Production
Group picture of all the actors and staff who participated in Inherit the Wind
On November, 2nd, 2016, the Saints Players began performing Inherit the Wind at the Senior School Auditorium. The actors performed the play once a day for four days in between November 2nd and 5th. Leading roles included Mathew Harrison Brady played by Jared Bakonyi, Henry Drummond played by Micheal Lau; Rachel Brown played by Taylor Palmer, EK Hornbeck played by Luc Maurer, and Bertram Cates played by Noah Proust. JD Edmonds who played the role of the judge reflected on his last play experience to be the “most professional [he’s] been involved with” and he finds that “the cast they brought together worked very well as a unit.” Overall, the play was a “success.”

A tenth-grader at St. George’s, Ahmed Alghamdi joined the school in grade six. He has a variety of interests within and out of school. In school, he...