Dead Poets Society Review

As the grade twelves are about to graduate and enter into the great unknown, it seems rather appropriate that we the young St. Georgians should take a look at one of the all-time classics – the Dead Poets Society. Dead Poets Society is a movie about a group of students at Welton Academy, which was an all-boy preparatory school much like the St. George’s. The movie revolves around a group of young students whose lives were all affected by their new English teacher Mr. Keating. Mr. Keating did not teach the traditional way. He taught to shape and challenge the young minds, which was not well received by the headmaster. However, his impacts on his students were ever-lasting. As he challenged the students to not simply accept the institutions and the traditional expectations the society expects of them, he taught them to become individuals rather than conforming to the norm.
Dead Poets Society is one of the best movies I have ever seen. The movie, much like the classic short story that every high school student must read, “The Lottery,” challenges students not to blindly follow the societal practices without questioning the validity of the practices. This movie is about what happens when these students decide to pursue their own desires, and to live life with the passion that Mr. Keating encouraged. Ultimately, the movie shows what transformations can take place when idealistic students are confronted by conservative mindsets. The movie inspires students to think critically and to act on their passions rather than settling for what the society expects of them.
I think every St. Georgian, and everyone for that matter, should watch this movie. Life is too short to simply follow a path that leads to nowhere spectacular. Let us choose the road less traveled and make a difference in our life while making a difference in the world.

Harry is currently a grade 12 student at St. George's School. Harry is enthusiastic about athletics, music and travelling. In school, he participates in...