On Friday, April 26, The Echo took a field trip to Marine Gateway to watch the acclaimed film, Civil War. Students in the class noted that the dystopian movie follows a group of journalists (specifically war photographers), and made the suggestion to Ms. Gin that they should preview the film as a class. As a result, The Echo spent their Friday night at the movies.
Along with Ms. Gin and Ms. Chan (Head of English), students started off the night at the Irish resto-pub beside the theatre. This also allowed them the opportunity to watch the entire 2nd period of the Canucks play-off game.

The film was riveting, intense, and entirely captivating. Afterwards, the group gathered together for a short debrief, sharing thoughts and trying to put into words what they had just seen. Everyone agreed that it was a worthwhile movie to watch, despite the violence and jump-scares! Stay tuned for staff writer Benjie Baker’s upcoming review of the film!