MakerLabs Takes Arts Week

Over the course of Arts Week, many presenters came to assemblies and classrooms, and spent a handful of days with the boys of St. George’s School. However, only one Arts Week attraction was present for the entirety of the week: Maker Labs. For the second year in a row, Maker Labs set up a temporary shop in the Learning Commons, and allowed boys to hone their maker skills throughout the week. Maker Labs, for those unaware, is a makerspace company that provides customers with a space to use their various 3D printers, routers, and laser cutters. Owned by Georgian Derek Gaw ’01, the company is at the forefront of the rapidly expanding maker scene in Vancouver. For Arts Week, Maker Labs brought in a laser cutter, CNC router, and vinyl cutter for students to use. Over the course of the week, staff and students were able to create some incredible pieces, including laser cut playing card sculptures, and a massive inverted dodecahedron. In the near future, the Saints Woodshed and Learning Commons hope to acquire some of the pieces that Maker Labs brought in for the week. Students in the new Fusion 10 STEM cohort will be big beneficiaries of these purchases.