Chloé Gammon and the logistics behind St. George’s Arts Week

José Gallardo

Chloé Gammon, St. George’s School Art Technician

Chloé Gammon is St. George’s art technician, she works with the arts department at the school helping out any student that may need some guidance with a painting or help in general. For the school’s Arts Week, Chloé helped organize the event and also contacted some of the special guests that visited the school throughout the week. She explains that getting in touch with the artists is more work than what you would think. She has been sending emails and reaching out to artists for quite some time before the event four to five months prior! Sometime she had to go through assistants and art galleries first before the artist itself, some of the artists could not be booked for the next four years. It was very important for her to also fairly represent every arts department in the school, not only the visual arts. After how Arts Week turn out it is fair to say she did an amazing job!