As the golden hues of October leaves carpet the ground, the spirit of Halloween is unmistakably in the air. The day isn’t just about costumes or candy; it’s a celebration of autumn’s magic and the close-knit community that thrives within these hallowed halls.
While some dressed up as their favourite characters, memes, and icons, others chose a different approach.

In a delightful display of creativity and humour, the English department took a unique approach to this year’s costume festivities. Faculty members transformed into a veritable array of punctuation marks, showcasing everything from exclamation points to semicolons.
The student prefect team also showed their Halloween spirit, dressing up as chefs during today’s assembly.

As Halloween at Saints School drew to a close, the day’s events left a lasting impression on both students and staff. The unity and spirit displayed reaffirmed the school’s commitment to fostering community and celebrating traditions. Saints look forward to continuing this Halloween spirit in the years to come.