Macbeth Murders Grade 11s Socks Off

Bard on the Beach productions has gained a prestigious reputation of being a spectacular outlet for Shakespearean performances. Thousands of residents around the Greater Vancouver area flock to the main stage every single year, the English 11 students were no different. On September 10,11, the students rode the school buses to Vanier Park for a stunning performance of Macbeth.

The boys were familiar with Macbeth since everyone had to read it in Grade 9, what they didn’t know, was that ghosts of the play were going to appear right beside them. Act 1 opened with the terrifying screams of the witches, to the laments of Macbeth. Every single actors’ performance captivated the audience, it didn’t matter if you didn’t understand what the actors were saying, their bold actions and facial expressions communicated the story well.

Most of the boys were impressed by the performance, one student said, “The sword fighting in the end was a little slow, but the actors were outstanding. Also, the theater is unique because it brought many outdoor elements indoors, creating a noisy environment much like the old Shakespearean plays.”

Going to Bard on the Beach has been a long-standing tradition for St. Georges, and we hope next year’s performance, The Taming of the Shrew will be even better. After all, plays are meant to be seen not read!