Saints Go Pink To Stand Up Against Bullying

Tommy Kuo

Students in pink stopped playing table tennis to pose for The Creed. (Tommy Kuo)

A decade-long tradition in Saints, the Pink Shirt Day on February 22nd was an occasion for students to wear pink to school to show their opposition to school bullying acts. The campaign was initiated in 2007 by two Nova Scotian high school students who gave out pink shirts after a male schoolmate was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. Later, United Nations supported this campaign by declaring May 4th as the official Anti-Bullying Day.

Following the Pink Shirt Day, students continued the discussion of bullying in the Senior Assembly on Friday. Ryan Karimi and Arjun Mehta led a discussion panel consisting of Andrew Day, Sandy Fogarassy, Michael Lau, Jason Qu, and Chris Wells, all Grade 12 students. Topics of discussion included what bullying is, why it happens, and the responsibility that bystanders hold. “It’s a good campaign because a lot people haven’t experienced bullying first hand, so it’s hard for them to support anti-bullying. [It’s a day when] everyone can come together about it,” commented Fogarassy.