Yoga: A Salutation to the LGBTQ Community

Alan Hesketh

LGBTQ+ Pride Week

The yoga session on Tuesday led by Ms Sandra Gin kicked off the first LGBTQ + Pride Week held in St. George’s School. The handstand pose that Ms Gin was able to do amazed everyone watching. Rio Akiyama (11), who participated in the yoga session, stated that doing yoga “is nice and relaxing. I haven’t done yoga for quite a while. It’s good to pick up the headstand and handstand poses again.”

When asked about the connection between the yoga session and the Pride Week, Rio responded that “it might have to do with mindfulness and the fact that yoga is considered a female activity. People who practise yoga are usually females, so doing yoga in a boys’ school matches the intention of the Pride Week.” This is certainly the purpose of the Pride Week – to give a namaste to the LGBTQ Community.