Ski Day 2016

Ski Day is an event that takes place in early February annually at St. George’s. Graciously organized by Ms. Pohanka, this day has long been a greatly-endeared tradition at our school. Although the turnout this year was far below what it has been in the past, it was still an incredibly enjoyable and valuable bonding experience. The students who opt to attend make their way up to Whistler via charter bus woke up early last Wednesday morning excited for what is one of the most anticipated days of the school year for some.

Throughout the day, students ski or snowboard with friends at similar skill levels. Some students even decide to go cross-country skiing. It is an extremely fun-filled experience and is a much needed break from the intense work pace at school, especially for grads dealing with stressful university applications and trying to keep up good marks during second term.

However, the conditions were not the best this year. The visibility was minimal, it rained across the entire mountain, and the ice was a nuisance. This may have been a deterrent for some of the people who decided not to attend, but the students who did go had an enjoyable time spent with friends, regardless.