End Movember, Continue MOVE

With Movember wrapping up and the namesake fundraising event coming to its last leg, it’s good to look back on the contributions of certain individuals and teams. Sam Turner and Mr. Stiles’ MOVEmber team raised an incredible $2,065 CAD. The entirety of this sum will be sent to the Movember foundation along with copious amount of other participants’ efforts, where it will accumulate before being spread among the various research institutes, including the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, that are on board with the initiative. Even though the campaign month is over, The St. George’s team hopes that everyone can continue to lead healthy lifestyles of awareness and activity throughout the next eleven months; “it doesn’t stop here”.

Sam hopes that “the guys next year will get more people on board, because moustaches are not only sexy, but people know that the ‘stache bearers are supporting a good and worthy cause. [Sam] challenge[s] the guys next year to to raise more money and bring more people on board. Whether you are a mo bro or a mo sista or neither, you can help.”

Thank you to everyone who completed the 30 day MOVE challenge and to all 43 members of the St. George’s School team. Special shout out to the top five fundraisers: Mr. Stiles ($462), Mr. Chamberlain ($377), Paul Bains ($307), Graham Hyslop ($240), and Hartley Whitten ($159).

Finally, a huge thank you to Sam Turner, David Yang, and Mr. Stiles for leading the initiative this year. St. George’s hopes to see another great turn out next year with the Grads of 2017.