Investment Club to Telus Offices Vancouver

On May 28th, 2015 sixteen passionate Investment Club members and teacher sponsor, Mr. Lovell embarked on a club field trip to the Telus Corporate Offices in downtown Vancouver. During their time there, the boys got a chance to partake in a teleconference call to the Telus offices in Toronto. Tim Casey, who is the managing director and security analyst at BMO Capital Markets and Zahid Kassam who is the equity research analyst at MFS Investment Management, responsible for Canadian investments in telecommunications, media and industrials were two of the analysts that answered the boys’ questions. This was very informative and the boys learned plenty from their time in the teleconference call.

After this, the boys headed over to the boardroom where they were honored to speak and ask questions to former president and CEO of Telus from 2000-2014 until he became executive chair in May of 2014, Mr. Darren Entwistle. They absorbed a wealth of information and learned a lot about how Telus has been successful.

When the sit down was done, Mr. Entwistle gave us the opportunity to tour the new Telus Garden building, which was being built just down the street. Nick who was the site project manager gave us an informative and interesting tour throughout the building. The students were intrigued by the unique architecture and views throughout this experience.

The trip was a remarkable, educational and insightful experience for the sixteen boys that went. They all came out with a smile on their face and were pleased to of had the chance to experience what they did. Thanks to Telus for giving the club this opportunity.