Cory Richards: Art Will Change the World

An “selfie” of Cory Richards after he was caught up in an avalanche.

On April 16th, renowned National Geographic photographer Cory Richards delivered a powerful message on the impact of art. Being the last speaker of an amazing week, Richards’ words resonated within the hearts of students and teachers alike.

Richards began his presentation with a story detailing his life and his career. He spoke of treacherous journeys, such as being buried by an avalanche, and how it impacted his own outlook on life. “I know it is cliche, but you, your generation, can truly change the world” echoed Richards. He spoke of the damaging effects humans have had on the world and how we (our generation) can help reverse it. In his stories, Richards presented several important ideas, such as the idea of conservation, through the use of his photographs. He explained how art was ever-changing and how it is flexible in many ways. As students listened, they were introduced to a new way of perceiving the world. Richards continues through his story and eventually brought up how fortunate we are, as North Americans, compared to the rest of the world. This truly opened the eyes of many students and teachers alike. Undoubtedly, Cory Richards had one of the most powerful and interesting presentations; an excellent way to wrap up Arts Week 2015!