Summer Dress Hype: Dress Shorts

Have you ever been sitting in class in the middle of May, your legs drenched with sweat? Do you have chiseled calves but barely have a chance to show them off? Have you ever encountered a near death experience regarding heat exhaustion, due to the fact that you are required to wear dress pants to school while it’s scorching hot?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, your prayers have been answered. Summer is just around the corner and the weather will soon get warm, and along with this comes the ever so refreshing summer dress uniform option. But this year, golf shirts won’t be the only change to the summer dress code; the Creed is ecstatic to share the fantastic news (if you haven’t heard already) that starting from after spring break, the school store will be carrying knee-length dress shorts available for purchase. It is an addition to the many uniform options available in the third semester, and these school issued shorts will be optional just like the regular summer dress. However, they must be worn with a golf shirt, belt, and knee-length socks (also available at the school store), and the dress shorts must be purchased at the school.

It certainly didn’t take long for the hype to build up within the St. George’s community; many students are both surprised and excited by dress shorts being implemented into the school dress code, with grade 10 student Sandy Fogarassy saying, “The new summer dress seems ravishing. It brings in the best of summer, but still keeps it professional.”

It is the first year that St. George’s has permitted shorts to be part of the dress code, so don’t forget to snag a pair from the school store after your two weeks off. Have a wonderful spring break!