Shake It Up! Grade 10 Social

How many times a year does the school allow a social? Not often. How many times does the school allow boring socials? Often. But how many do you get a social like Shake it Up! where the students will enjoy? Not very often!!!

On February 19th 2015, the Grade 10 Student Government held their first social of the year: Shake it Up! After many months of precise planning, the school approved of the social and that night was the night. Many of the people that attended stated that it was nothing like the socials before. Xavi Delgado, the Grade Rep. for grade 10 quotes “It wasn’t easy work, I think I speak for all organizers when I say that. I didn’t even want to go, because I didn’t want to be reminded of all the stress and anxiety that went into planning the event. But when I saw how many people were enjoying it: dancing, laughing, hanging out, all the sleepless nights and lunchless-lunches became worth it”.

Despite many negative predictions, many students enjoyed the social. The night was filled with fun and laughter. Shoutout to DJ Zedion for mixing for the night! Stay tuned for more updates regarding school news and trending topics!