Introducing…The Health Science Club!

Members of the club listen attentively as John Yu reviews the work they have done so far in the year.

Do you want to know how to live a more healthy lifestyle? Are you interested in learning about the health conditions and problems that affect people from all around the world? Do you like to participate in informal discussions, organize initiatives, learn interactively and meet students who share the same passions as you? If you said yes, either in your head or out loud, to any of those questions, then you should definitely check out the new Health Science Club!

The Health Science Club was formed this year by Grade 11 student, John Yu, with the assistance of school nurse, Mrs. Bodutch. “The vision of the club is that health is common to all of us, and that understanding the human body is the key to a healthy life”, John stated. The club is also devoted to exploring the realm of health science around the world by using case studies, fun labs and experiments, and thoughtful discussion among the members of the club.

So far in Term 1, the club has had a very consistent turnout to each of its meetings; these students have spent a large portion of their time deliberating the different things which they want to achieve throughout the rest of the year. After much consideration, the club is now ready to continue developing its goals with the implementation of its ideas. During next week’s meeting, students will be undergoing an interactive and educational lab which will require them to examine white blood cells; this lab will teach students about HIV/AIDS, one of the deadliest diseases that affect the world every day.

If you’re interested in getting involved in this new and enjoyable club, come out to one of its meetings! The Health Science Club meets every Friday from 1:30-1:50 pm in Room 219, the English room near the Outdoor Education office. For more information, contact John Yu in Grade 11 or Mrs. Bodutch, the school nurse.