Harker Hall’s Trip to Tofino

After a great deal of anticipation, a handful of boarders in Harker Hall went to Tofino for the long weekend of November 20 – 24. The boarders were eagerly awaiting the main events of the trip: surfing and going to “Hot Springs Cove”.

The boarders left early Friday morning in order to beat the traffic on an almost 300 km drive to Tofino. On Saturday, after the long day of driving on Friday, the boys were rejuvenated when they took two boats to “Hot Springs Cove”. The cove has multiple natural hot springs for everyone to swim and relax in. After a great time at the hot springs, the boarders took the long boat ride back to Tofino and were ready for what awaited them on Sunday: surfing!

Early Sunday afternoon, the boarders headed to the beach for some surfing. Fortunately, they had wet suits to combat the cold water temperatures. For most of the boys it was their first time surfing, yet they still had a great time experiencing the sport for the first time.

Eventually Monday arrived and everyone left happy with how the weekend went. One of the boarders, Justus Krug in Grade 10 mentioned,  “It was a great experience for me because I am a new boarder and it was awesome for the boarding house to organize this fun and enjoyable trip for the long weekend. This trip also helped me to get to know some of my fellow boarders in Harker Hall who I wasn’t that familiar with before this experience.”