UndrTheRadr: The Story of Aanikh Kler

It started with the forbidden ring of a phone in class and resulted in its confiscation. And, while this was bad news for the phone’s student owner, it was the beginning of something great for one of his classmates. This seemingly insignificant event sparked an idea in Aanikh Kler that would take him down a path that no one could have predicted. Kler was inspired to find a solution to the problem of students being separated from their “life line” because of the constant interruption of the phone’s ring.

He began his research in earnest. It didn’t take long before he came across an article outlining the steps taken by some local businesses in Britain to discourage teenagers from loitering in and around their establishments. Annoying high frequency sounds, only audible to young people, were emitted on an ongoing basis throughout the day to limit the time they would spend in the owner’s shops. This strategy was based on hard and proven science. Kler reasoned that if this tactic could be used for negative purposes, why could it not also be used something positive.

After the age of about 18 or so, the capacity of the human ear to pick up certain sounds and frequencies becomes limited. This scientifically recognized fact is what formed the foundation of Kler’s app and his subsequent UndrTheRadr movement.  Using frequencies only audible to young ears, Kler created an app that provided ringtones within that range. He designed the desired look of his app, including its logo, and then passed everything along to programmers to take his vision to the next level. Shortly thereafter, Kler’s app – under his newly created company name UndrTheRdar – was up and running on the android and app stores and ready for purchase.
Kler didn’t stop there. His next move was to try and earn a spot on the hit Canadian TV show, The Dragon’s Den – Young Entrepreneur’s Edition, where a panel of multi-millionaires (the “Dragons”) listen to the pitch of entrepreneur hopefuls. A successful pitch results in an offer of financial support through the investment of one or more of the Dragons. Kler hoped to get a deal from one of these business behemoths to help him financially in his endeavors, but also to mentor him as an up and coming entrepreneur. 

In order to prepare for his appearance on the Show, Kler embraced the expression “Practice makes perfect”. He practiced constantly until he knew it by heart. What Kler believed would make him a success where others had failed, was the charitable aspect of his plan. UndrTheRadr was not just a ringtone app, but it’s also a movement. Its aim is to help educate children in the developing world. To that end, Kler became associated with Unicef and pledged an ongoing contribution of $.20 from every $.99 earned from the sale of his app.  Kler believed this would make him a standout and help him seal the deal. 

According to Kler, entering The Dragon’s Den could only be described as the experience of a lifetime. Going in, he was acutely aware that very few individuals, never mind teenagers, ever have the opportunity to get the undivided attention of multi-millionaires in order to propose their business idea for possible investment. Kler delivered his pitch as he had practiced so many times before. It was second nature to him, by now. With a demonstration of the app’s effectiveness, the Dragons were instantly intrigued. However, what struck them most (particularly Dragon, Arlene Dickens) was, in fact, the charitable aspect of Kler’s company. This, together with his overall impressive presentation, led to success with Dickens in The Den and the offer of a deal.

Kler’s victory on the Show was, in itself, sweet, but it also opened other doors and created new opportunities. He is now frequently called upon to share his experience with other interested young people. He regularly receives invitations to address schools and share his inspiring story, knowledge and expertise with others. Kler has been asked to speak at many different fundraisers and events hosted by the City of Surrey. In doing so, he has become a well-known and reputable figure in his community and at school. As far as his social life is concerned, there has not been much change. Although his workload with UndrTheRadr has increased, it is nothing he can’t handle.

All it took was a single phone call in class for the light bulb to go on above the head of Aanikh Kler. With a lot of time, dedication and focus he was able to solve one of the most frustrating and exasperating issues facing young people today: the loss of their cell phones. From the development of his app, to the creation of his company, UndrTheRadr, and ultimately, to his appearance on The Dragon’s Den, Kler’s story is one that is truly inspirational and impressive.