Senior Varsity Tennis Teams Makes a ISA Gold 4-Peat

On the Friday of this past week, the Saints and Crofton Varsity tennis team headed out to Brentwood on Vancouver Island to compete in the annual Independent School Association (ISA) championships. Having already bonded and come together as a team over the past several years, the members of this co-ed group formed a cohesive and effective unit.


After a mentally-taxing and tedious trip consisting of a two-hour ferry ride followed by another two-hour bus ride, the team arrived at the courts tired but eager to play. The team was treated by the hospitable Brentwood School to a delicious barbecue and snacks, which were accepted with great appreciation. The weather was very favourable and a picturesque blue sky smiled down upon the team as they began their first match. The first matchup pitted Saints against Shawnigan Lake and consisted of eight doubles and two singles matches, all of which went the way of Saints and Crofton. In between matches, the team basked in the sunshine and took time to hone their foot-tennis skills. Next to oppose Saints was the host school, Brentwood. Again, the Saints boys made a clean sweep, winning all their matches. Saints and Crofton then took on West Point Grey Academy, the boys making another sweep and the girls winning the majority of their matches. The atmosphere around the courts was vibrant; students bustling from place to place and supporting their respective teams with zeal and passion. With Saints and Crofton already in the finals, they took on Brentwood yet again for the trophy. This meeting went much the same way as the previous one and Saints and Crofton reclaimed the title for a fourth year in a row. The success and relief was dampened slightly when the team had to rush off, medals dangling in hand, to catch the ferry going back home. However, the team got to relax and recompose on the bus ride back to school.


All in all, Saints and Crofton yet again showed their compatibility and cohesion as a team this past weekend and represented the schools well. The real challenge is yet to come, however, with School Tennis Provincials just around the bend. Be sure to wish good luck to all the boys and girls as they get ready to capture the Provincial gold!