A Lifers’ Reunion
On Sunday, March 8, fifteen grade twelve students (who’ve been attending Saints together since grade one) sat down with their first-grade teacher, Mrs. Yen, for a reunion lunch. Organized by Susan Chow, this event allowed these 15 Grads and parents to reminisce with Mrs. Yen about their years here at Saints as “lifers”, and think back to how it all began back in grade one with Mrs. Yen. Mr. Devenish, Principal of the Junior School, was also in attendance. Stay tuned for a future article on the lifers of our school and what it means to be one!
About the Contributor

Zachary Levin, Editor in Chief
Zachary is currently a grade twelve student at St. George's Senior School. He has pursued a variety of interests such as being on the provincial Schoolreach...