Andrea Bruce: The Woman Behind the Lens

On Apr. 15, renowned documentary photographer Andrea Bruce paid a visit to Saints as a speaker for Arts Week 2015. Andrea has been a photographer for the Washington Post for 8 years, travelling to war stricken areas and conflict zones to document the experiences of citizens and soldiers occupying these areas. Her work has primarily involved depicting the struggle and complexities revolving around the war in Iraq. Andrea has also won many awards for her efforts in documenting the situation in Iraq, including 4 Photographer of the Year awards from the WHNPA and multiple awards from the International Pictures of the Year contest.

Ms. Bruce shared with us many stories of her adventures in Iraq, one of which included how she was caught up in a sniper ambush while photographing the military, and also spoke on the lives of people in conflict zones. Her emotional pictures really displayed the horrors and realities of countries affected by war, from photos of religious ceremonies to blown up streets, and she was definitely able to touch the hearts of the St. George’s community.

Click here to check out some of Andrea Bruce’s work.