During Arts Week, Echo reporters covered the revitalized Rain City Reels event. They interviewed volunteers, aspiring filmmakers, and event organizers to gain insights into their involvement and perspectives on the event.
A Revitilized Event: Rain City Reels
April 20, 2024
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About the Contributors

Benjie Baker, Staff Writer
Benjie Baker is a grade eleven student who is a lifer student at St. George’s school. With a passion for both school and the arts, Benjie is a multifaceted individual who thrives on creativity. When he’s not studying (wink wink), Benjie can often be found pursuing his love for acting, where he has been in the school plays since grade four and started professionally acting at the age of 12. Beyond his school and acting, Benjie has a diverse range of interests in all different types of media, spanning from his love for watching sports, to his passion for movies.

Liam Hughes, Staff Writer
Liam is a senior at St. George’s School and has been a student here for seven years. He is passionate about writing and English and is thrilled to be a part of Journalism this year! Liam is very active in the arts around the school and can often be found around the theatre. He has done several plays in his time at Saints, ranging from Les Misérables to the Wizard of Oz. He is also a dedicated member of student government as the Arts Prefect. Outside of school, Liam enjoys acting, reading, and spending quality time with friends.