Discovery (Disco) is a unique outdoor education program at St. George’s where students embark on several camping trips throughout the year, culminating in a year-end 21-day hiking and kayaking excursion.
Mr. Ian Siess and Ms. Lisa Denholm have been leading the program for over three years. Both of them have grown to appreciate the unconventional teaching style the program offers; students, meanwhile, have also expressed their gratitude for the cohort.
Before joining Discovery, Mr. Siess and Ms. Denholm were already aspiring educators. Ever since high school, Mr. Siess knew he wanted to be a teacher. He sought an environment that preached community and growth. “Discovery teaches you to be good human beings,” he says. “Outdoor Education is one the few subjects where students and teachers can connect with each other.”

Ms. Denholm followed a similar path. After years as a French teacher, she stepped out of the conventional classroom setting, saying it “wasn’t her style.” Ms. Denholm commented on having to “re-learn how teaching works,” mentioning that the transition into Outdoor Education was “both difficult and rewarding.” Discovery allowed her to work in a more experiential way; she stated that she appreciated “the freedom of no longer being tied to the expectations of an academic classroom.”

Although Discovery is often overshadowed by the variety of sports and arts programs offered at St. George’s, its impact has been ubiquitous. From backcountry skiing to rock climbing, trips that students participate in build irreplaceable skills, those of which are unteachable in a regular classroom setting.

Jaghr Dhiman, a current grad who was a part of Discovery in 2022, spoke on the cohort’s impact. “Discovery has made me more open to new relationships,” he says. “Without Discovery, I wouldn’t know where he would be today.”
Undoubtedly, Discovery has had a great impact on students in the community. Current Grade 9 students should definitely keep it in mind as a unique and adventurous opportunity when choosing their courses next year.