Christopher Ma
My time at The Creed has been eventful and has been an experience I never imagined having when I began my high school career.
Since the third grade I have been interested in journalism, and even at nine years old I would write short news stories for my classmates. That is really where the passion started; in the old, run down third-grade classroom at West Point Grey Academy.
Through my remaining years at WPGA, I began to get more involved in journalism. In fifth grade I was able to be the “Canucks reporter for a day” and that was my first real exposure to the world of sports media. That experience really lit the fire from the spark that was already there.
Grade six saw very little growth, and I was not having a very good time at my West Point Grey. So midway through grade six, I began the application process to St.Georges, a move which has turned out be one of the best decisions in my life.
As soon as I started at Saints, the school took my passion for journalism and did whatever they could to help me pursue my dreams. This led to a lot of different opportunities, but nothing more intriguing than my time at The Creed. The Creed has nurtured my journalistic passion. At first, I started as a staff writer, although I quickly moved up the ranks and have enjoyed my senior year as editor-in-chief.
My first story for The Creed was on the Vancouver Canucks and was something that did not challenge me out of my comfort zone. Throughout the year I continued to cover sports, however, Ms.Torry, the teacher at the time encouraged me to widen my journalistic coverage and try writing about different topics.
With this, I was able to not only grow as a writer but also a person. I was pushed out of my comfort zone, and it led me to see the school plays, going out to restaurants and learning to look at things more critically.
Throughout my first year, I became engulfed in all aspects of the journalism course and was constantly publishing for The Creed. Although I had some previous experiences, the journalism course in 11th grade was still a very learning experience for me.
Grade 11 journalism and my first year writing for The Creed was crucial to getting me where I am today. The mentorship from my classmates and teachers led me to a summer sports journalism program at the University of Maryland. Through the course and the summer program; I was able to come into my senior year in a stronger position than I ever would have imagined.
Grade 12.
The senior year.
The last hurrah.
Again, I was enrolled in journalism and would be writing on The Creed. However, I had a more senior role by virtue of being older, and had a whole slew of new classmates; many of whom were getting their first exposure to journalism.
Rather than just going with the flow, doing assignments and publishing plain pieces, I asked for a challenge. Brand new teacher to St. George’s, Ms.Kennedy, who was also taking charge of her first journalism class challenged me to be a leader in the classroom and to try and grow my craft as a sports writer.
What does being a leader in the class look like? Well, I did not know; Ms. Kennedy on the other hand had some ideas. I ended up presenting to the class multiple times throughout the year on topics I had a depth of knowledge about. I spoke about how to cover a sports game, how to talk on camera and how to create podcasts. This leadership role helped me analyze my own writing, as I reflected on my past work. By looking back and dissecting my pieces I grew as a writer and took another stride in my multimedia pursuits.
The mentorship role expanded from just speaking. As the year progressed and I grew more confident and helped the younger students with editing, style and approach to their various articles. The senior role is something I have enjoyed and has made the journalism 12 courses an exhilarating experience.
As my time in the St. George’s journalism program and The Creed nears its end, the memories I have made will never be forgotten. More importantly, the growth I have had as both a person and a writer makes me the person I am today and sets me up well to become the person I one day hope to be.