On February 28th, twelve boys ranging from grades 10-12 traveled to New York, accompanied by Mr. Vytasek and Mr. Ziff, to attend the National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN) conference, hosted by the International Model United Nations Association (IMUNA).
NHSMUN is the largest Model UN conference in the world and is also one of the oldest. This reputation attracts delegates from around the globe. With delegations from over 40 countries spanning over two different sessions, it is clear that the conference is one above the rest. Not to mention the fact that part of it is held within the actual United Nations General Assembly room, where world leaders have addressed the whole world for decades.
We wasted no time once we arrived on Wednesday. The group quickly split up to explore New York; many of us visited Times Square. On Thursday, we visited the Tenement Musem to learn about the former residences of New York’s immigrant population in the 19th and 20 centuries. Later, we visited Chelsea Market and the Meat Packing District and finished off the afternoon with a walk on the Highline. That night, half of the group went to Madison Square Gardens to watch the Big 10 Basketball tournament, while the other half watched the Broadway show Wicked.
On Friday, we visited the famed Museum of Modern Art and later that night went to the United Nations General Assembly room for Opening Ceremonies. Saturday and Sunday were debate filled days, with topics ranging from Ageism to Cryptocurrencies.
On Monday, the exhausted group went the Closing Ceremonies after a successful conference. The group then split up to see more of New York, some going to Wall Street and others to 5th Ave, home to many famous shopping brands. We regrouped in the afternoon and took a bus back to the airport.
We cannot express our gratitude for Mr. Vytasek and Mr. Ziff for taking us on this trip. They truly made it successful.