Hamper Drive: The Season of Giving

Alan Hesketh

Grade 12 students shopping for their hampers at No Frills

As christmas comes upon us, it signals the beginning of the annual Hamper Drive at St. George’s school. It’s the time of the year where students begin to collect items for unprivileged children and families in Vancouver.

The drive began more than three decades ago by former teacher and old boy Mr. Geof Stancombe.

“This year our focus is more than ever on families with young children, single parent families, and teens living alone,” Mr. Adrienne Davidson(Director of Advancement) said.

Each hamper contains perishable and non-perishable food items and toys for children to help the adopted families fully enjoy the holidays.

Items will be collected over the next several weeks, until volunteers gather on the first Saturday of the Winter Break (December 17, 2016) to finish packing and then deliver the hampers.

Each advisor group in the Senior school adopted two families and Dr. Matthews’ office was turned into a toy workshop, where students could come in and wrap gifts for their adopted families.

What differentiates the St. George’s Hamper Drive in particular is the personalization of the hampers and that each hamper is delivered to the recipients’ homes on the day.