X-table: St. George’s New Senior School Schedule

The beginning of the 2016-17 school year at St. George’s has been highlighted by a new timetable for the Senior School. This new idea for remodeling the timetable has created a stir among students and faculty due to its complexity. The complications are most notably centered around the new X-block. Some view the newest addition to the schedule as another part of their day, something that won’t provide its return value for the hour that it takes up before lunch. But, others “think X-block… present[s] valuable information without cutting into class time,” as claimed by Michael Hua. Regardless of opinion, X-block has drawn out different thoughts on the new timetable for the school, and has presented itself with new challenges and opportunities.

Sandy is a grade 12 student at St. George’s School, Canada’s World School for Boys. Sandy has been at the school since the wee years of grade 6 and...