Exploring development in Discovery
The Discovery Class of 2014-2015
St. George’s is known for a vast variety of spectacular programs and courses. Of the handful of programs they offer is the Discovery 10. This is considered one of the most influential programs in the school as described by students. The Disco program is composed of 20 boys in a cohort; in a way, it can be considered a mini school. In this cohort, the boys get to spend nearly 50 days in the outdoors, exploring new trails and/or paddling new waters.
In the field, the Discovery boys learn material regular Grade 10 students would not be able to achieve. These are skills such as enhanced character, leadership, close-knit teamwork and relationships, and academic skills. Not only do these skills benefit the boys in the classroom but also life in general. As a student in Discovery, the material that is being taught is a very useful aspect in my life. Not only have I changed as a person this year due to Discovery, but I can also teach what I have learned to others.
The lessons Discovery students learn everyday are very important to their learning as students in nature and in the classroom. Compared to non-Discovery, the students in Disco develop greater relationships with each other that last until high school and beyond. Many of the boys have developed better social skills that have aided them in the fields of leadership and rising connections with others.
As many people know, at the age of 14-18, development of the body and mind is the strongest. In Disco, not only do you endure the physical challenges of trips but also the mental aspect. Students develop a stronger, more motivated attitude: with that being said, back in school, students have an advantage in catching up their missed work and are faster and more capable in learning new material.
During the year, we get to go onto many trips; an extremely memorable trip for all of us was a 4 day hiking trip to the Stein Valley. There we had the opportunity to participate in many Aboriginal activities and ceremonies such as a Pow Wow and a Sweat Ceremony (it is forbidden to document these traditional events). Many of the boys had inter and intrapersonal connections and reflections throughout the trip. They developed a better sense of the world, and through the gruelling physical aspects of the trips, they developed a better character. The teachers of Disco endorse a lot of inter and introspection, believed to aid character building and speaking. On behalf of the 19 other Discovery students, I strongly believe that it has changed all of us in one way or another.
With all the experiences we have gleaned throughout the year on our trips and in our classrooms, it is also very important to make connections and use the knowledge that has been stored: or else, where would it be used? Many of the skills the Discovery boys have developed are currently being used, whether it is in the classroom working on a project or playing rugby on the field: both the mental and the physical aspect work as one to enhance their capabilities in learning, leadership and character. I believe that in this time and day, Discovery is the most beneficial program that St. George’s can offer. Personally, Discovery has completely molded me as a person. I cannot thank it more for changing me to who I am now. The bonds I’ve built, the skills I’ve learnt and the abilities such as leadership that I never knew I had in me. It has opened my eyes to the world and offered experiences I would not have able to see if I were not in Discovery. Joining Disco was the best decision I have made in my life so far.

Eric Jin Cheng is currently a Grade 10 student at Crofton House School in the Discovery Program and is set to graduate in 2017. He joined the Saints community...