Each One Teach One Goes Graphic

On Tuesday February 17th, students from Windermere Secondary Life Skills came to St. George’s School to visit with their grade 12 mentors. The day was filled with fun and laughs from all the participants as the students were taken to Mr. Wilke’s Mac lab to create some fantastic animations with their buddies. The Windermere students, along with a little help from their mentors, created some amazing pieces of art. The activity was also a wonderful learning experience, teaching the students how to use the basics of Photoshop.

After the creative juices were all dried out and everyone was thoroughly exhausted, they all gathered in McLean Hall for a well deserved pizza lunch. Students and staff alike shared stories and laughter as the days events began to come to a close. Once stomachs were full and everyone’s laughter was exhausted, it was time for the students to say goodbye. Both groups of students finished the day with high spirits, looking forward to their next outing.