Kung Hei Fat Choi! Harker Hall’s Formal Dinner

Alan Hesketh

The introduction to the formal dinner.

On February 18, 2015 the boarding house gathered in McLean Hall for their 3rd formal dinner of the year. The event was themed around Chinese New Year. There were 4 different cultures of food to choose from, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean and obviously Chinese. They all had their own delicacies for the boarders to feast on.


Due to the large amount of people in Harker Hall who celebrate Chinese New Year, it was a great event to base the formal dinner off of. The wide variety of food choices left something great for everyone to eat, ranging from sushi, beef bulgogi, to chicken satay.


As the term is coming to an end, people can tend to get lost in their personal lives, dealing with responsibilities and stresses. Formal dinners are a great time to come together as a community to enjoy each other’s company and relax while eating delicious food.


After how great this formal dinner was, the Harker Hall community will be eagerly waiting for the next one.