Our Improv Team’s Best Season Yet!

Team Photo, excluding Eshan Cheema and Darian Boosheri who couldn’t make it

The Saints Improv team’s winning streak in the Canadian Improv Games sadly came to a close on Friday, February 13. They did a fantastic job and missed finals by only 1 point! They’ve been preparing for the Canadian Improv Games all year, and although this was the last of the competition they’ve still got some gigs lined up.

“We did an amazing job, and I couldn’t be any prouder of our team! It was really weird to lose by only one point, but you win some and you lose some. It does make you wonder though, about where you fell short” said Eshan Cheema (Grade 11). “The audience was also pretty surprised with the results, but it was nice to know they supported us and that they enjoyed our performance. That in and of itself is a fantastic feeling.” When asked about their performance, Chad Carbol (Grade 11) said “Yeah, I’m just really proud of us. We were pretty surprised by the results, and one of the audience members even told us after the show ‘It should have been a tie!’ But at the end, I’m really happy with our performance and just so thrilled to get this far.”

“[Thank you] to everyone,” remarked Ms. Konopaki, “for the well wishes and [to] those who came out to watch over the past few nights. The boys really appreciated it!” It’s been a great season for the Improv team, but “it’s not over yet” said Ms. Konopaki. They’ll be preforming at Saints Expo, the Regional Debate Tournament, Arts week and a numerous other events at the school all throughout the rest of the school year. “We’ve already started to prepare for next year, we’re sure that’ll be the year of Saints Improv!”