Banff Film Festival

Banff International Film Festival

On the evening of December 5th, a select group of St. George’s Grade 10 Discovery boys along with a group of Crofton School girls and many Saints Boarder School students traveled into North Vancouver’s Centennial Theatre for a field trip to attend the Banff Internationl Film Festival. This year, the Banff Film Festival is held all over the globe.
The boys and girls traveled to North Vancouver shortly after a pizza dinner was held at Crofton House School. This film allows the boys in Discovery, current and past, as well as the girls in the Trek Program to reflect on their previous trips. As they arrived, the amount of guests appalled the group, the theatre of 660 seats were filled while guests were still piling in!
The film festival started with a film that has went viral on youtube boasting with 25+ million views. Our MC noted that every year there are reoccurring themes within all the films and this year it is the theme of climbing. Towards the end of the festival, nearly everyone in the group had something they connected with themselves in the films that were presented. Chris Pang of grade 10 quotes: “They made me laugh, cry, cheer, and groan. It was really quite a roller coaster.”
The night ended quite late, the group dropped off the Crofton girls whilst returning to Saints. Everyone returned home filled with content and drowsiness due to the long day.
Everyone who went considered it was an amazing event to participate in and would for sure go again in the upcoming year to see what awaits them.
If you are interested in attending the Banff Film Festival next year, click on the link here!