Passion and Dedication: The OPUS 2015

For the past consecutive years, St. George’s has been publishing a student-led collection of literary and artistic works during Arts Week.

Pieces are gathered and submitted from students in grade 8 to grade 12, and finally put together by a talented and dedicated team of students. The OPUS is split into two teams, the Literary Selections team and the Artistic Selections team. Within each team, selected grade 12 students run and organize the teams, planning and organizing each piece submitted. The most incredible part, however, is that the entire process is student-led, with Mrs. O’Connor, Ms. Jacobs, and Ms. Van Rijn acting as teacher sponsors.

Tons of effort is put into each book, and the members dedicate themselves, working as hard as they can to deliver the books during Arts Week. Each year, hundreds of talented students from the Saints community submit to the OPUS hoping for their works to be selected. Although many students are proactive in submitting their works, the OPUS is only allowed to accept a certain number of pieces each year, having to take some incredible works of art—whether literary or artistic—out of consideration. For those that are chosen however, their works of art are put into an intricately designed book the size of a small journal, each with their name, grade, and of course, the fruit of their hard work, permanently inked into each copy.

Artistic selections team director Ty Zhang (gr.11) stated, “The OPUS, although time consuming, is one of the most satisfying and enjoyable experiences. It is really nice to see all your hard work solidified into a publication, which every student will receive during Arts Week.”

Co-Chief Editor Oscar Hong (gr.12) commented, “This is the final year that I will be working with the OPUS, and truly, I have enjoyed every moment of it. The sheer number of students submitting, and the dedication from the team, is so heartwarming to see.”

The OPUS is not merely just a book, it is the embodiment of the talent, passion, and dedication of the Saints community.

For artistic selections (e.g ceramics, paintings, photography), photo shoots will be held on December 2nd, 4th, and December 9th, 11th during lunch in the art room.

For literary selections (e.g poems, short stories), send them to “[email protected]