Saints Conference

What do both world class politicians and lawyers have in common? Many may think of them as bold, clever moguls who count big stacks of green, but looking past that leaves you with individuals who are very comfortable with pressure, and skilled at both debating and public speaking. From arguing with your friends to presenting your project in English class, being comfortable with speaking in front of a large crowd and being good at debating with others are two very desirable traits. But what if there was somewhere you could develop these skills?

Saints Conference is an extra curricular club that engages students in debate, public speaking, and organized conferences/competitions. Held after school in the Socials Learning Commons on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the club helps students polish off their debating and public speaking skills through discussions, simulated conferences, and presentations. Through this club, students may choose to participate in MUN conferences, debating tournaments, or public speaking competitions, which also gives you an opportunity to travel to places around the world. Students in the past have traveled to San Francisco, Hong Kong, Berlin, and New York, just to name a few.

To any of the boys interested in Saint Conference, it’s not too late to join. Be sure to visit their website for more info.