Competitive gaming at Saints off to a smashing start
As of Thursday, October 16, the first Grad video game tournament of the year is up and running. This event matches up competitive grade twelves in the hit game for Nintendo Wii, Super Smash Bros. Brawl. as well as the previous version of the game – on the Gamecube – Super Smash Bros. Melee. An array of characters are being represented, including Marth (notably Ahmed Shokry and Austin Kobayashi), Lucas (Samm Fulton), and Pikachu (Stu Milde and the infamous Michael Hougen). Standard tournament rules are in place, such as four stock for Melee, three stock for Brawl, 8-minute time limit, no items, and neutral stages only. The entry fee for each tournament is $5, with the top three finishers receiving a portion of the cash and the Grad Fund receiving 40%. Students were quick to register and the Brawl tournament has garnered over 25 participants. The tournaments are double-elimination, meaning that competitors must lose twice in order to be knocked out. The brackets were created online, and are open to the public to be viewed; updates will be happening in real-time once matches finish. Best of luck to all the competitors!
Online Brackets:

Zachary is currently a grade twelve student at St. George's Senior School. He has pursued a variety of interests such as being on the provincial Schoolreach...