Comedic Grad Assembly
From left to right: Ian Meikle, Joe Sourisseau, Sam Skolrood
On the morning of September 26, 2014 St. George’s School students, faculty, staff and others gathered in Dixon Gym for the first annual grad assembly of the 2014-15 school year. Students Ian Meikle and Sam Skolrood were the hosts for the assembly, which consisted of the annual “look a-likes,” grad vs staff trophy presentation, shoutouts as well as videos and more.
To kickoff the assembly, hosts Ian and Sam entered the stage in a rather fashionable way, riding scooters and sporting suits with hats. After a brief introduction, they got right into the annual look a-likes. Students and teachers were featured in this comedic section and most got a good laugh. As the assembly progressed, the grad vs staff trophy was awarded to sports captain Joe Sourisseau in celebration of a recent softball win between the rivalry of grads and staff. Later on, the hosts went through some comedic “shoutouts,” and then the audience enjoyed the annual prefect video. In addition, an amusing video was put together by student Jamie Day, which had the whole audience in laughter.
Upon reflection of the first grad run assembly, host Sam Skolrood stated, “I thought we started out pretty good, but we should have planned better to not end on such a subpar note.” All in all, the first grad assembly of the 2014-15 school year was a great end to the week and the grads did a remarkable job at keeping the audience entertained.
Quinn Cole is currently a Grade 11 student at St. George’s School. Since joining the Saints community in grade 8, Quinn has been actively involved in...