Saints student becomes CEO of MUNCO.

Karan Khanna, a rising senior, recently became the Chief Operating Officer of the Model United Nations Coalition of British Columbia (MUNCO). MUNCO is a new organization that was founded by Tascha Shahriari-Parsa from Prince of Wales and Kevin Lee of St. George’s last year.


According to the founders, MUNCO was created as a resource for experience and new Model UN enthusiasts, providing a central hub for conference dates, resources for research and preparation, and general tips on how to go about representing a state. The non-profit updates constantly with a list of vetted conferences for all skill levels.


With both founders heading off to post-secondary education stateside, Karan was chosen as the successor to continue their work. He has already started contributing to and organizing MUNCO’s social media pages and website.


“Moving forward as the Chief Executive Officer, I feel that MUNCO will continue to expand.” Karan says, “Each year, more and more students have been attending conferences in the Lower Mainland. I’d say that the organization is looking to expand into schools throughout BC and build on the success from our inaugural year.”


Karan himself a dedicated “MUNer”, is excited to take on the new responsibility. He will be juggling the MUNCO role with his other extracurricular activities, namely as the CFO of Teenmesh and (rotation pending) Chairman of miniEnterprize.