The Student Voice of St. George's School

The Creed

The Student Voice of St. George's School

The Creed

The Student Voice of St. George's School

The Creed

Badminton Team Nets Third Place at Provincials!

Last weekend, the badminton team competed at the BC Provincial Badminton Tournament, held in Langley at R.E. Mountain Secondary School. After winning the Zone Championships a week prior, the team’s hopes were high heading in.

“I’m confident in our team and happy with how we’ve all meshed this season,” says Team Captain Ian Crawford ‘24.

Despite a few challenging games at the start of the tournament, the boys were seeded high enough to make the semi-finals. Unfortunately, the team fell short to Steveston London, but were able to come away with a convincing victory in their later game against Fraser Heights to take home third place.

The boys credit their coaches a lot for their successful season—Ms. Lather and Jacky Ruan have been hard at work running the team all year.

For the grads on the team, this was also their last time competing with the school, so the victory was rather bittersweet.

“I feel incredibly grateful to be on such a wonderful team with some of the best players in the province,” says Chris Guo ‘24.

There is no question we are proud of what the boys have accomplished. We look forward to seeing how the team does next year!

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About the Contributor
George Sun
George Sun, Staff Writer
Currently in his Grade 12 year at St. George’s School, George is honoured to serve as a writer for The Echo. A lifer, George has dabbled in a variety of activities, from music to the literary arts. He is a part of the St. George's Wind Ensemble and the school's literary magazine, the OPUS. In his spare time, George can be found playing basketball with friends, binge-watching K-dramas, or reselling shoes.

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