An Unfortunate Loss Starts off an Ambitious Year for Saints Rugby
St. George’s School Rugby has had a long tradition of starting off small and ending off big – this year will be no different, with the 1st XV’s’ first game at home earlier this Friday. In the first half of the match, Saints surprised their opposition – Trent College – with passion and self-discipline that accompanied the favorable weather, scoring an impressive 10 tries. Unfortunately, Trent College fought back with efforts no less to its host’s in the second half, and to eventually win the match.
While the match was friendly in principle, the 1st XVs nevertheless felt the need to improve. We will stay true to this commitment until their next game awaits us.

David Guo is a Grade 10 at St. George’s School. Guo joined the school in Grade 9, and has since developed an interest in the Liberal Arts. He is the...