1st XI Soccer: Bermuda

During the month of October, the St. George’s School 1st XI Soccer team took a trip to Bermuda to participate in a soccer tournament. The Creed (TC) decided to interview the team’s center mid-fielder,  Michael Jung (MJ, Gr. 11) to get a first hand glimpse of the experience.


TC: How did your trip start off?

MJ: It started off at YVR; we had to be at the airport at 9am on Monday. We were booked on a 4-hour flight to Toronto where we stayed a night; then in the morning we took our flight to Bermuda.

TC: What was your first impression upon arriving in Bermuda? What did you think of the scenery and climate?

MJ: Very beautiful, it had lots of little shops and restaurants around the area, and was interesting to see. You could see fallen trees from previous hurricanes, which showed how frequent they occurred in Bermuda. The temperature was hot and the hotel was very nice, located on the white sandy beach with bright blue water in the distance. People were very nice and welcoming overall for example our bus driver Juanita.

TC: How many games did you guys play and how did you do?

MJ: We played a total of 3 games in one day, we were expected to play 4 games, but due to the hurricane, the tournament was cancelled early. We won every single game. First one we played against Saltus Grammar School, which was the hosting team in Bermuda. Then we played against a team called Royal St. George’s from Toronto. Third game we played against a private school from Quebec.

TC: What did you do in your free time?

MJ: We spent lots of time at the beach. We walked around, appreciated the city and took our surroundings in. In addition we did homework and went out to eat.

TC: What were your thoughts regarding Hurricane Gonzalo?

MJ: I wasn’t very scared because I knew the country was accustomed to having lots of hurricanes and they weren’t super big. The country knew the procedure and how to handle them to ensure safety. I thought it would be cool to come home and say I experienced a hurricane.

TC: How did you feel about leaving early from Bermuda?

MJ: Because we won all 3 games, we had a good chance at winning the tournament. I would have liked to play in the finals so we could have won the tournament for our school, nonetheless, I was still happy with our wins. But other than that I was there for long enough to appreciate it and experience a lot of things. We were meant to do a tour later on but because we left early we couldn’t. If we had to stay there, we would have had to stay indoors making it less enjoyable. It was good to get home earlier than expected.

TC: What was your overall experience like?

MJ: All I can say is I was “blown” away. Haha pun intended. Overall experience was really good, a lot of unexpected things happened, but it taught us that things don’t always go as planned and it’s always how you deal with situations like that. It was a really memorable experience, and a good time to bond with teammates. Oh yeah, I felt that we played really well as a team and hopefully we can bring what we did in Bermuda, back to Vancouver as we prepare for provincials.


The team had a positive experience and played very well throughout the tournament. As goalkeeper Will Sauder stated, “It was an eventful experience and I’m glad we got out in one piece.”