Introducing the Athletic Shared Vision Draft
The Athletics Department recently introduced a draft of the new Athletic Shared Vision. The draft defines Athletics at St. George’s as “Pursuing excellence in self, sport, and community through strong programming grounded in character development.”
The task force behind the shared vision is led by Suzanne Dill in partnership with Richard Cohee, and consists of William Collins, Santhe LeBlanc, Carol Pollock, Nino Sose, Aled Thomas, Chris Blackman, and Marc Levin.
When asked about the reach of the shared vision, Marc explained that “The vision is meant for all types of athletes, whether it be competitive and/or recreational. It can be used in all situations related to the Athletic Department, and furthermore the greater St. George’s community, including students, parents, staff, and Georgians.”
The task force first met on February 4th, and has since met three times to further improve on the draft. There will be no change in the school branding, as the vision has been “constructed to tie in seamlessly with our current school mission”, Marc noted. “We intend to incorporate our new shared vision with “We build fine young men. Canada’s World School for Boys. And the core values of Empathy, Humility, Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience.
Q. What is your opinion of the New Vision? What does ‘Athletics at St. George’s’ mean to you? Is there anything you want changed?
Marc: I think that the draft of the vision is really great. It really amplifies what athletics at St. George’s is. The beauty about the vision for me is that it can be looked at in so many different, positive ways. Every single person that looks at the vision will be able to relate to it whether they are an athlete, coach, parent, staff member, or Georgian.
Q. Do you want to thank any people in particular that have contribute a lot to this project?
Marc: I would like to thank Mrs. Dill and Mr. Cohee for an amazingly guiding task force through this process. I would also like to thank the rest of the task force for teaching me a lot about the world of athletics.
The date for the finalized version is yet to be announced.
Kevin is a senior student at St. George's School. He has an eclectic variety of interests ranging from political science to graphic design. At school,...