Q&A With the Captains of Boarding
Today The Creed caught up with Jack Ryan and Jorge Alamillo, to see how they were fitting into their new roles as this year’s Captains of Boarding.
The Creed: How long have you guys been at Harker Hall?
Jorge: I’ve been here for 5 years.
Jack: Ive been at Harker Hall since grade 8 but I’ve been at Saints since Grade 7.
The Creed: How is the life of a captain of boarding different that just an average boarder?
Jorge: Well honestly, I try to relate to the other boarders as much as I can and even though I have a big room and an amazing roommate (Joosung Kim), I don’t try to show it off, because I feel that even though I have all these things doesn’t mean I’m more or better than everyone else. A leader is not defined by the position he has but instead, what he does to be a leader.
Jack: Well, there is the visible stuff like the title of course, and the things you can gain from being in that position. But it’s not something that I notice on a daily basis. What has become important to me now is just my role here, dealing with kids on a daily basis, talking to the new kids and generally being there for the boarding house. Sort of like what the house parents do but still being a student where I’m there for all the other boarders.
The Creed: What do you hope to accomplish during your time as captains of boarding?
Jorge: Well there has been problems recently with Harker Hall getting this reputation from students doing illegal substances and the perception that Harker Hall is filled with bad kids so I want to help clean up that reputation that Harker Hall has. I also want to help with integrating the day boy students with the boarders in order to create a better community because I feel like day boys and boarders are fairly separated. So by encouraging day boys to join weekend activities and things like that would be good.
Jack: Honestly, I think it might be pretty difficult, but as much as possible I want to eliminate that sense that has grown in the past little bit that for a lot of kids, Harker Hall can seem like a prison. A place where kids are just contained, where students are kept and you just eat and sleep and not much else. Really, for me and a lot of the older guys here, its become like a second home for us. I want that sense of homeliness to be experienced by the younger guys as well. I know some people may feel different about it but for me, Harker Hall has become my home, and for a lot of the guys here I see them as my brothers. I just want that to be true for others as well.
The Creed: Once you graduate what will be your greatest memory from your time in Harker Hall?
Jorge: I remember in grade 8 we went to Manning Park for a term break trip and lots of people were there and we were building a snow shelter to stay the night. While Mr Hesketh was digging out the snow, the snow shelter collapsed on him, and I remember everyone just laughing and not helping him out. So thats definitely my greatest memory because its probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed.
Jack: I would say that it’s not a singular memory but rather it’s the long weekend trips. They’ve always been really incredible experiences for me. The grade 8 trip to Manning Park, it was just 10 of us out in Eastern B.C. Even though we weren’t in the house, it was the first time I said to myself that I’m happy I came to Saints and I’m happy I came to the boarding house. All the guys around me and all the staff are all so cool and I’m so happy I came to Canada, you know, that sort of sense. In the last year I felt the same sort of feeling when I went to Tofino in the first term, and Seattle in the third term because I experienced what it means to be a part of Harker Hall. Hopefully I have another experience like that this year, but those past experiences with the boys were amazing.
The Creed: Thanks for taking time to sit down for an interview with us.
Jorge: No problem, anytime.
Jack: Certainly!

Dylan Enright is currently a Grade 11 boarding student at St. Georges School in Vancouver, B.C. He was born and raised in Hong Kong until he was 14 years...