Purple Rain: Spirit Day

Jaden Bains

Democratically the choice for best dressed, Tinky Winky the purple Teletubby was a stunner that will go down in the history books as a legendary spin on the dress-code “wear something purple”


This past week, the school blasted with LGBT anthems, welcomed passionate speakers, and “celebrated diversity” in the annual, and classic St. George’s Spirit Week. Thursday’s Purple Shirt Day was the seminal peak of events, marked by the simple act of boys wearing purple shirts to show solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. With the prompt of “come wearing purple”, creative sparks flared and some boys came to school in legendary outfits that will be remembered for Spirit Days to come. People wore everything from pajamas, to Teletubby costumes, and tydy collar-shirts to name a few of the inventions the student body and teachers came up with.

Purple shirt day started in 2010, right here in the true north strong a free. The intuitive was first started by a young Canadian teen after the death of a gay university student. Over the past 7 years, it has become a colossal worldwide phenomenon with a shocking growth rate. Schools around the globe have been taken by this storm, especially in the U.K, Netherlands, Germany, France, and United States.

Today the event encourages students to give their support for an inclusive community, and not just to say it… but to wear it, loud, proud and free.