Each One Teach One – Windermere
The Each One Teach One (EOTO) mentor-ship program pairs a grade 11 or 12 St. George’s student with a student from Windermere, Alder Wood, or Seymour. Every two to three weeks there are various activities. The program was first introduced to Saints in 2001 Mr. Brian Lee. Since then the program has continuously grown with around 35 senior St. George’s students participating.
For the first event, on Thursday, October 27th, the group visited the Pumpkin Patch at the Richmond Country Farms. The Pumpkin Patch was a great activity for students to meet their buddies and start building a friendship. Tom Sun (12) said “The first outing with my buddy was an awesome experience with a fun event and lots of positive energy.” The second outing was at Windemere School where the mentors and mentees made poems together. This was a great activity for everyone to learn more about their partner and continue to build on their friendship. The most recent event was painting birdhouses at Saints. The Windermere and Saints students worked together to build beautiful Christmas presents and after they enjoyed pizza for lunch. The next activity is next year on January 17th at Windermere.
One of the main reasons that EOTO is such a popular and successful program at Saints is because it gives students the ability to give back and do something rewarding, all while building a lasting connection with a buddy. Here is what Sandy Fogarassy (12) had to say about his experience with EOTO “This is my second year in the program. Last year I came in with an open mind, not knowing what to expect, but this year I feel I have matured more and have become a better person through the program.”

Nolan Lee is currently a grade 12 student at St. George’s. He came to St. George's in the grade 8 year as a boarder from Trail, BC and in grade 10,...