Ready, Set, Roll; Sports Day 2016
Every year, Saint George’s has Sports Day, an event where kids in grade 8 and 9 engage in various physical activities and compete with their peers. These activities include sports like ultimate, and volleyball, but also activities like running through obstacles courses. This year, Sports Day was held on May 2nd, 2016, on a beautiful sunny yet cool day. The teams are split up between advisor groups, and each team represents a country by wearing certain colour clothing. The activities during Sports Day are led by various staff, as well as students in Community Recreation 11/12. Students in the senior grades not only get the opportunity to enjoy a relaxing day and the young kids compete in exciting activities, but they gain the opportunity to demonstrate leadership skills. “I like Sports Day because it brings all the kids together. It’s a great community bonding event, and it’s also nice to get away from the books once in a while”. – Ms. Konopaki

Michael Hua is a grade 12 student at St. George’s. He applied to Saints for the grade 11 year , which marked his first year at the school. Michael immediately...