The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round
The First Assembly of St. George’s School’s 2015 Academic Year
Senior School Dixon Gym where all assemblies take place.
On Friday, Sept 11th, St. George’s School commenced the 2015-2016 year with a tradition that has been deeply rooted into the community of St. George’s School.
At 9:45 in the morning, Principal Mr. Kern, Headmaster Dr. Matthews and School Captain Ezaan Mangalji welcomed back old faculty and returning students, as well as introduced and greeted the new faculty and new students, with their heart-felt opening

School Caption on his stool as he address to the school faculty and students.
messages. The messages marked the beginning of a new and exciting year while celebrating the integral tradition that St. George’s has upheld over the past decades.
Shortly after Mr. Kern, the new principal’s welcome-back speech, the prefects were also introduced. The prefects are a vital part of the student body, as they assist the school in building fine young men, one boy at a time. Following the presentation of the faculty and staff, Mr. Kern awarded students who achieved academic excellence on their AP and provincial exams in the previous year. By recognizing these students, he also encouraged every student to strive for his finest this year.
After the warm welcome delivered by Mr. Kern, Mr. Palmer, the Head of Grade 12, came on the stage to introduce the leadership team that will be behind the scenes to this year’s success. Following Mr. Palmer’s announcement, the newly elected School Captain and Head Boy Ezaan Mangalji came onto the stage to deliver the annual head boy message to the entire school.
Ezaan Mangalji first expressed his excitement for the upcoming year and the responsibilities he hoped to uphold throughout the academic year. He extended his advice to each grade, starting from the grads of 2020 to the grads of 2016. The main theme of the Head Boy’s message was about community and how “as we all proceed on our journeys, independent but never alone, take the time to remember that we are all a community and together we’re one of these bad boys”.
The Head Boy, Ezaan Mangalji, concluded the assembly with his humorous yet inspiring speech. As he stated at the end, “We, together are St. George’s and only we together can keep those wheels on this huge bus going round and round. Let’s go the distance boys.”

Harry is currently a grade 12 student at St. George's School. Harry is enthusiastic about athletics, music and travelling. In school, he participates in...

Jared Bakonyi is a grade 11 student at Saint Georges. Applying to the school for his 8th grade year, Jared was thrilled to join the Saints community in...